About the project

DART - Dengue Advanced Readiness Tools, is a multifaceted dengue outbreak forecasting system. It is an ongoing project by Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU), funded by the Wellcome Trust. The project is supported by an international multidisciplinary team.
Background and aims
There is a need for dengue outbreak forecasting systems that can accommodate variable time scales and at small spatial scales. Spatially targeted interventions for dengue control in Vietnam are usually performed at the local scale, and key decisions need to be made on different time scales. The ability to identify in advance the precise location, size and duration of a dengue outbreak is important for targeted mitigation efforts.
DART aims to provide high-resolution dengue forecasting over different time scales, including real-time. This forecast information will be disseminated through a web application that is available both on desktop and mobile devices. Stakeholders include the general public, local policy makers, clinicians, health practitioners, and interested research scientists.
The project will start out with 2 exemplar cities in Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. The spatial resolution for the forecasts will be districts (administrative level 2) and time scales will range from real-time to 4-week ahead.
Project timeline
Data Integration
Data Visualization
Meet the team
Meet the people that are driving this new effort. We are a international multidisciplinary team with people from the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU), The University of Oxford, National Institute Of Hygiene And Epidemiology (NIHE), Ho Chi Minh City Center for Disease Control (HCDC), and the University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH).
Learn more
Assoc. Prof. Sarah Sparrow
Principal Investigator
Dr. Marc Choisy
Co-Principal Investigator
Assoc. Prof. Sophie Yacoub
Co-Principal Investigator